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What are Fishing Magnets and How Do They Work?

Equipment for magnet fishing and a leather gloves.

Over the years, I have engaged in different forms of fishing, such as catfish noodling, bowfishing, among others. These types of fishing are intended to bring a meal to the table. However, today, I will discuss a different form of fishing called magnetic fishing.

It involves fishing metals and other ferromagnetic materials underwater. This method of fishing has become popular as people are using it to recover and hunt some of the precious materials hidden underwater. In this post, I will elaborate all that people need to know about fishing magnets, the materials to use, and what materials you can fish, among other entities.

What Is Magnetic Fishing?

A magnet fishing getting a knife on the water.

Initially, magnetic fishing was mostly conducted by fishers and boaters who were recovering lost keys and other essential boating gear. Magnetic fishing is not as new as most people may think, but it has boomed in recent years.

This has been influenced by what people have gained while fishing. Magnetic fishing can be described as a treasure hunt, where people use magnets and ropes to recover materials and other precious metals in water. Most of these materials have been lost, dumped, or hidden in the lakes, ponds, and rivers.

During my experience with magnetic fishing, I was able to hunt coins, and tire rims, among other metallic materials. Other materials obtained during magnetic fishing include guns, bicycles, safes, nuts, and bombs. Nonetheless, there is an endless list of materials that you can obtain underwater through magnetic fishing. This is because the magnets will attract anything that is made or has iron.

How Do I Execute Magnetic Fishing?

A person doing a magnet fishing on a creek.

The concept of magnetic fishing is quite simple as I use a rope and a magnet to treasure hunt. The magnet should have a hook where the rope will be attached. Ropes used in magnetic fishing should be strong and durable, as I have encountered some instances where I have recovered heavy materials.

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The best material for magnetic fishing ropes is nylon as it does not rot. Some ropes are also dry-treated to ensure that they do not become heavy after getting wet. The size of the rope depends on where one is fishing and how deep they intend to venture.

Magnetic fishing is considered to be a hobby where people go to the waters and treasure hunt. There are different types of magnets that differ in terms of strength and shape. This is because there are different fishing environments that require specific magnetic attributes. A junior magnet can pull about 400 pounds, while the high-level ones can pull approximately 2,000 pounds.

In addition, the magnets used for fishing are designed to be light and strong. This ensures that they do not get stuck in the mud, as it can lead to losses when purchasing a new magnet.

different sizes of magnet for magnet fishing.

I also love using gloves during magnetic fishing as there is contact with a lot of rusty materials. However, there is no need to purchase expensive gloves as the normal ones execute a perfect job. I also prefer light gloves as they make me feel flexible when fishing.

Another great consideration is a grabbing hook. Although most people may not see the need to have a grabbing hook, it is ideal for pulling up larger materials near the surface. In addition, tying a hook on the rope can help one find materials that are not magnetic.

Finally, having magnetic storage can ensure that one has a seamless time storing the magnet. The storage is also good for transporting the magnet, especially the super-strong and big ones. Moreover, if a magnet gets stuck on the car or the garage door, one will have a rough time removing it without causing damage. A plastic box or small cooler can make good storage for the magnet.

Is Magnetic Fishing Legal?

An old ruined bike near a canal.

Despite being a booming hobby, not all countries across Europe permit such activities. For instance, local regulations govern magnetic fishing in England and Wales. This is because most canals and rivers are governed by the Canal and River Trust.

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The body states that no one should fish materials from such water bodies. There is a fine for anyone caught in the act in countries where such regulations have been implemented.

In other countries such as Belgium, weapons and other related items should be taken to the police. However, this is not the case in the United States, as no laws are imposed regarding metal fishing. The only laws that have been implemented prohibit magnetic fishing in historic places and places that are owned by the government.

Advantages of Magnetic Fishing

  • Magnetic fishing is environmentally beneficial as it helps to clean the debris and other waste in the water bodies. Some of these metal parts are heavy and can remain at the bottom for long. This causes pollution for the aquatic life as well as water for human usage.
  • Valuable materials gotten from the water can earn some money. There are numerous kinds of materials that one can unleash from underwater, such as bicycles, valuable coins, and guns, among others. Such objects can be sold to generate income.
  • Rather than monetary purposes, magnetic fishing can also be conducted as a hobby. Most people go out in the waters and fish out anything for fun. It is a great hobby for outdoor experiences, and one can go with friends or family members for a more fun experience.
  • Does not require intense technological expertise. Magnetic fishing is a simple activity where one ties a rope to the magnet and drops it in the water. Additionally, one does not use expensive tools and equipment.
  • Magnetic fishing helps in unleashing old antiques that cannot be present in the contemporary world. Such objects have high value due to their age and quality. They can also be preserved for cultural heritage.

Dangers of Magnetic Fishing

  • One of the main dangers of magnetic fishing is the contact with rusty materials. There is a high risk of getting cuts and bruises when pulling out the materials. That’s why it is always recommended to wear gloves and also get a tetanus booster before engaging in such activities.
  • It is common to fish out bombs and grenades during magnetic fishing. Some of them may be unexploded, which may threaten one’s life. In such a case, the best approach is to carefully lower it back into the water and contact the police for further action.
  • Magnetic fishing has grown immensely and has led to the dumping of fished materials irresponsibly. Most people tend to leave the invaluable materials on the sidewalks and pathways, which might be hazardous to the environment. This forces the authorities to derive alternative ways to clean the debris and materials left in these pathways by magnetic fishers.
  • According to some environmentalists, magnetic fishing can stir up sediments in water bodies that may toxify aquatic environments. Such materials have settled in the water body floors, but when disrupted, they may cause harm to aquatic life.
  • Another danger, although not common, is that some people have died while magnetic fishing. Nonetheless, most of these cases have been attributed to engaging in fishing while on drugs or using substandard boats.
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Bottom Line

A person doing magnet fishing on a river.

Magnetic fishing has been blooming in recent years as it has become one of the most preferred hobbies. In addition, it can be executed as a monetary activity as one can unleash valuable materials and objects underwater. Magnetic fishing is an inexpensive activity that requires a magnet, a durable rope, gloves, and a hook. This is one of the main reasons most people embrace the activity.

However, despite the numerous advantages that come along with magnetic fishing, there are still some downsides. They include unleashing bombs and grenades that are prone to exploding, disposal of materials and metals on the streets, and risk of getting cuts and bruises.


Saturday 18th of May 2024